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O Choro da Terra
The album was recorded with viola caipira, a tradicional guitar with 10 strings used in various genre thoughout Brazil.

I bring this immersive album with Brazilian influences and poetry from the region of Paraíba Valley and Mantiqueira mountains. Discover an amazing way to listen to Brazilian music in this original work.

Dia de Viola
'Dia de Viola' (Viola Day) is a project with improvisations and melodic memories of my childhood in São José dos Campos-SP, Brazil.
Playing the Viola Caipira I remembered unique moments that I lived in this region full of nature and good people.In my discoveries I felt inspired to capture and create poetry with those moments.
I bring along with the work of the disc that work bringing together poetry, image and melody.

SOME MEMORIES portfolio v2.jpg

Algumas Lembranças

A short sound film that follows an anonymous character in his path surrounded by nature. Each track on this EP is an act that follows it: its arrival in a beautiful place where it observes birds and nature; the Jacus that jumps from branch to branch and flying in front of him; its way back to the house with the sunset listening to toucans that sing in the top of the embaúbas that are in the way; his arrival at home already at night, where he lights a fire to warm himself listening to the thunder in the distance and finally the next morning with the roosters crowing at his window, he wakes up and enjoys that day.

'Algumas Lembranças' (Some Memories) was the beginning of everything that followed, materializing ideas and thoughts.

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